US-Based Prior Art Searches Since 1997

We provide prior art searches for patent validity, product clearance, and patentability.  Our tools provide global coverage of technical disclosures.

Patent Invalidity Search | Patent Validity Search

These searches both look for patent-invalidating prior art but have opposing objectives.

Conducted by an alleged patent infringer, the objective of a patent invalidity search is to show the asserted patent is invalid because it lacked novelty or was obvious.

Conducted by a patentee prior to patent assertions or transactions, the objective of a patent validity search is to ensure no patent-invalidating prior art exists. 

Product Clearance Search

A product clearance search looks for patents others might assert against your product.  To control costs, we can work with you to formulate a search strategy that focuses on the most realistic threats.

Patentability (Novelty) Search

A patentability search is a low-cost prior art search undertaken before filing for a patent.  It scours patent and other technical documents to inform you whether your concept is new or already known.

A patentability search saves money in the long run.  If your concept is already known, you will avoid patent filing costs.  If your idea is inventive, you can draft patent claims to avoid the located prior art, likely lowering prosecution costs.

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